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Turkey Trot Tips

Many runners train all Summer and early Fall, leading up to a big race in either September or October, or sometimes early November. In fact, there were a number of folks on the My Running Concierge team who did just that and we saw many runners complete 5K's, half marathons and marathons. It has been a busy few months!

But now that racing season is coming to an end, what to do next? My recommendation - run in your local Turkey Trot! I've run in the Our Towne Turkey Trot for many years and I've enjoyed it so much that My Running Concierge will be a sponsor at this year's event!

Although I've run the trot for many years, one thing I've never done is tried to PR in the event. My goals in the 5K are to complete 3.1 miles, and to have FUN! One year I walked the entire distance with my wife. Another year I went with one of my daughters and ran about one mile and walked the rest of the distance. For a competitive runner that can be difficult, but my mindset going into it was to have as much fun as possible and to enjoy the time with my family.

We are a few weeks from Thanksgiving, there is plenty of time to sign up for your local Turkey Trot, take a look and see if it will work out for you this year!

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